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Firemen's Charitable & Benevolent Association

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Fire! In colonial New Orleans, this call for aid was a frequent reminder of a frightening reality. In 1788, when Louisiana was still under Spanish rule, 900 houses were burned to the ground in a historic fire. In 1794, an equally disastrous fire virtually destroyed the rebuilt city. Finally, city leaders passed the Bucket Ordinance in 1807. Every citizen was required to keep at least two fire buckets at home and ready; at the same time, a loosely organized fire brigade was mandated.


These early attempts at fire protection proved inadequate, and terrible fires continued to consume the city. It wasn’t until 1829 that the first reliable fire company was organized, Volunteer Company No. 1. Its first trial came soon after. Five thousand bales of cotton blazed at the Hart’s Cotton Press on St. Charles Street in 1830. The brave volunteers aimed a stream of water from their hand pump engine as a group of dedicated citizens rushed to aid the volunteer company. Soon afterwards, dedicated volunteers formed Mississippi Co. No. 2.


By 1834, the Firemen’s Charitable & Benevolent Association was formed with the organization of six bands of volunteers. The lasting importance of this effort probably never occurred to the 30 founders who banded together to provide relief for needy members and the families of their deceased members.

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New Orleans Volunteer Firemen


Greenwood Cemetery Firemen's Monument

The Dedicated Firemen of New Orleans

It is impossible to separate the history of the fire department in New Orleans from that of the Firemen’s Charitable & Benevolent Association. For 37 years, the FCBA administered the city’s fire department as an independent civic body while maintaining its activities as a charitable fraternity.


Volunteer firemen courageously answered the call to protect New Orleans’ lives and property long after the Civil War. However, technological advances would eventually extinguish volunteer fire departments across America. Steam engines eliminated the need for men to pump the water, and horse-drawn fire trucks replaced heavy pumps hauled by hand. In 1891, New Orleans joined major cities across America in organizing a professional fire department.


While volunteer firemen no longer protect the city, their dedication and sacrifice are not forgotten. The Firemen’s Charitable & Benevolent Association continues to preserve Cypress Grove and Greenwood cemeteries as a permanent memorial to the many brave volunteer firemen who gave their courage and, sometimes, their lives to protect their neighbors. The Firemen’s Charitable & Benevolent Association continues to preserve Cypress Grove and Greenwood cemeteries as a permanent memorial to the many brave volunteer firemen who gave their courage and, sometimes, their lives to protect their neighbors and their families.


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Officers of the Firemen's Charitable & Benevolent Association:

The Honorable James F. McKay III – President
Robert S. Goertz – 1st Vice President
Leonard E. Gately, Jr – 2nd Vice President
Robert G. Danner – 3rd Vice President
Donald E. McKay, Sr. – 4th Vice President
Pat J. McMahon – Secretary Treasurer

Firemen's Charitable & Benevolent Association President James F. McKay III cutting the ribbon at the dedication of the new FCBA Building on October 6, 2016.


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Titles & Perpetual Care

5190 Canal Boulevard, Suite 200

New Orleans, Louisiana 70124

Phone: 504-482-8983

Fax: 504-482-9964




5190 Canal Boulevard, Suite 100

New Orleans, Louisiana 70124


Phone: 504-482-0234


Interments & Repairs

5190 Canal Boulevard

New Orleans, Louisiana 70124

Repairs: 504-482-8983

Interment: 504-482-0234


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